Friday, April 28, 2017

The Grand Finale!

The Grand Finale!

Evaluating the Bobwhite-Manatee Electrical Transmission Line Project

Well, here it is, the final lab assignment for GIS 5050/L. I've learned a lot in this class and this final was no exception. It was a great way to test the many skills I've learned in the framework of a real world application. 

Our task was to assess a selected corridor for an electrical transmission line spanning two counties in Southwest Florida. We needed to determine the impact of the transmission line on homes, schools, environmentally sensitive areas, and the length of the transmission line with associated costs. Below are links to my PowerPoint presentation as well as the transcript for the presentation, if I were actually giving it. I hope you enjoy!

More than anything, I am proud of my maps. They look good, have all the essential map elements, and display the necessary data. I also enjoyed using the many functions within ArcGIS to analyze the data. The project was time consuming, but in the end, rewarding. I look forward to implementing all the skills I've learned in future coursework or in a professional capacity.


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Georeferencing, Editing, and ArcScene

Georeferencing, Editing, and ArcScene

The catch-all lab!!

The above map is from ArcScene where I was able to use a DEM to add topographic relief to the ground surface as well as create 3D buildings using the height data from my Buildings layer. It depicts georeferenced raster images of the UWF campus using the buildings and roads, as well as the features I added to the map. It turned out really cool. Definitely a sexier map than the one below. It took me a minute to figure out how to accurately add the legend, given that the map was imported from a jpeg, but in the end I think it has a good look to it.
The above map displays the georeferenced raster images of the UWF campus using the buildings and roads, as well as the features I added to the map. I also have an inset map that displays the location of a Bald Eagle's nest not to far from campus. The conservation easement and protected area buffers around the nest are also displayed. I used an ESRI base map to put the eagle's nest, as well as campus, on the broader landscape. All in all I think it turned out pretty well. I struggled with the look because of all the information that was required. I think since we were trying to do so many things, and display so much data that doesn't necessarily have a corresponding theme, there was no way to really make it look as good as some of my other maps. The map, however, displays what is required of the assignment, despite not being my prettiest.

This lab was challenging to say the least, informative, but challenging. We basically learned a number of different tools in ArcMap that we hadn't used before and were introduced to ArcScene. The Georeferencing portion of the lab was tedious, but very cool, and definitely a useful tool. Editing our data as we add features, etc. is also a very important thing to know. ArcScene is clearly a very cool component of the ArcGIS software and this brief introduction didn't even scratch the surface. I wish time had allowed for becoming more familiar with the program, as it has the ability to make some super sexy maps!!